Tuesday, November 22, 2011

HappyValley -Happy New year Part 5


Dottie went home to her mother and new stepfathers Tad slept with his ex-wife Hillary after comforting her about Chloe’s lung surgery and health scare got out of hand,. When he realized what he had done he left a note to Hillary saying it was all a mistake. However Mike spotted the lipstick and suspected what had happened and blamed Hillary for making a move on Tad and trying to break up his family. Mike (Tad and Dottie’s adopted son) then called Gina Raffles from child services on Hillary to get rid of her and made allegations she abused her daughter Chloe Taylor .Chloe was in hospital because she swallowed a toy and ingested it in her lung. Gina insisted with no means of support Hillary cannot support her child. Jenny came in followed by her brother T.J. who had picked her up from school. Jenny had been beaten up and kicked and then threatened with murder by a number of girls at school. Jenny defended Hillary telling the social worker it was her fault Chloe swallowed them she left them where the child could reach them. Then Tad Jr known as T.J. lied and told the social worker Hillary was marrying him and he supported them. Mike watched from the bushes and was unhappy that the social worker didn’t make trouble for Hillary so she would be too busy to go after his father. Dottie found out her new stepfather Alexander had told her mother that he was a secret agent and she worried that Tad was correct and Alexander wasn’t who he seemed. Dottie vowed to have Tad look into Alexander’s background. Jenny and TJ went home and caught Dottie and Tad making out on the sofa. Jenny then told the real reason she thought she was being threatened was because she was a lesbian.
Happy Valley-Happy New Year Part 5
“She saying she’s a lesbian Dottie.” Tad retorted.
“Yes Daddy I am.” Jenny admitted taking a huge breath before saying this.
“You can’t be that is sin against God.” Dottie shouted “We can find you a camp where they can fix you.”
“Dottie what is wrong with you. She didn’t choose to be this way. She was born this way. You don’t change your sexual orientation.”
“This is forbidden it’s in the bible.” Dottie spouted “The church forbids this. She’s still young enough we can help her change her ways.”
“Did I ever really know you Dottie? This is my daughter. I love her just the way she is I don’t want to change her or try to make her into something she’s not how could you?” Tad replied to Dottie angrily/
“You are mistaken Thaddeus. You didn’t grow up with in the church no wonder you don’t know that we should protect her from this evil taint.”
“Mother do you hear yourself? You need to be educated. You are just as bad as those girls who bullied Jenny. Being gay is not a choice .As for all those misguided souls who quote the bible like yourself, God made us in his own image. So tell me, how can anyone who is gay be wrong or mistaken. God is in all things and in everyone of us so how can Jenny’s feelings be wrong.” T.J. asked.
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
“I knew it I knew you wouldn’t love me anymore. See Mike I wish I wasn’t right. She’s just like all the others. She doesn’t understand this is the way I’ve always felt. Why did you make me tell her?” Jenny asked crying.
“Dos mios I love you Jenny. You are my little girl but this….”
“But this is something you can’t accept.” Jenny replied bitterly crying silently as she goes to her room.
“How could you Dottie? That little girl has been to hell and back .I’m not sure I can ever forgive you for this.” Tad said vehemently.
“You won’t have to I’m leaving. I’ll be back tomorrow for my things.” Dottie stated angrily as she threw on her coat grabbed her purse and then slammed the front door.
“Go after her Dad.” T.J. pleaded “Make her understand.”
“I can’t son. She has to realize her behaviour has harmed Jenny. She needs time to think about this.”
“I don’t think so Dad I think you should go after her.” T.J. begged.
“I can’t …”Tad repeated regretfully starring at the front door.
Mike is down the hallway starring at Jenny's door.
"Now I did it they are over and it's my fault." he muttered
Days later.
“Have you heard from mother?” T.J. asked Tad
“No she won’t come to the phone either.”
“How long did you wait before you talked to her Dad?”
“Two days. I love your mother but when I see the hurt in Jenny’s eyes....”
“I know Dad but you have to remember it is years of conditioning, Mom can’t see she’s wrong overnight.”
“Why not? She’s a compassionate woman in other ways. Can’t she see she’s hurting Jenny with this antiquated misguided views?”
“I know dad I agree with you but mom has to see for herself that these beliefs only hurt people. Good people like Jenny whom she loves.”
“She’s not even answering my calls like I am in the wrong.” Tad complained.
“How’s my little sister?” asked T.J.
“Well Kathy is happy with Aaron .Jenny wants to switch schools but finding a school that is another problem. Do you know some of those idiotic schools are suggesting that if she wasn’t such a victim she would be safe at her school? Of course they don’t come out and say that but it’s always blame the victim.One school administrator insinuated that bully was a natural part of childhood and that she better toughen up.”
“I am preparing a segment for the news about the rise in bullying but I’ve found there are a lot of victims that are afraid to come forward.” T.J. explained.
“It’s terrible to think there are so many children that are being bullied by others .Where are their parents in all this?”
“Unfortunately so many parents are complicit by voicing their own misguided opinions. Or ignorant of social networking tools sometimes they consider it an invasion of privacy to access what the children may have been using on their computers for. But really would you give your child a loaded gun and not teach them how to use it?”
“Well I have to say I wasn’t too aware of a lot of this before Emma was using the computer to hurt Kathy.” Tad admitted."And I didn't know Dottie's position on people who are gay or lesbian or transgendered.How could I not have know?"
“Mom's an adult she has to take responsibility for her own beliefs.At least then you found out about the dangers on the internet you restricted access. Parents have to do their jobs and start parenting their kids even if it is in a new way. Kids don’t raise themselves though some of these parents seem to think so.”
“You can get off the soapbox TJ. I’m sold. Are there any community meetings on bullying?”
“Yes lots. There is also PFLAG.”
“I’ve heard of that it is Parents family and Friends of Lesbian and Gays right?”
“Yes they envision a society where everyone accepts everyone for who they are.”
“From your mouth to your mother’s ears.” Tad exclaimed.”Do you think your mother will come around and come back?”
“Yes once she can get over being embarrassed about being so wrong.” TJ said.
“I hope so. Mike misses her and so does Jenny though she’s worried she has ended our marriage. I tried to tell Jenny Dottie just had to go back to finish moving her parents but ... “
“Oh Dad ...you can’t lie to Jenny she’s smart. Let me talk to her.”
“Would you? I don’t know how to comfort her. I told her that I am behind her two hundred percent that she is still my little girl that I’ll always love but your mother leaving has crushed her. I’m telling you now TJ, I’m sorry but if your Mother doesn’t come around soon we are done .I don’t think I can ever forgive her if she doesn’t make it up to Jenny.
“I can understand that Dad because I’m torn too. I love my little sister and I can’t bear to see that my Mother whom I’ve always looked up to has hurt Jenny so badly.”
T.J. goes up the stairs to Jenny’s room while Mike slinks into the man cave.
“Where you been tiger?” Tad asked.
“I thought you’d want to talk to your son without me.” Mike explained.
“First of all I appreciate you giving us privacy but it wasn’t necessary. It was family business and you are my son too.”
“Are you really leaving Mom?” Mike asked looking worried.
“It hasn’t come to that.” Tad stated gently. “Your mother and I just need to talk that’s all.”
“I’m sorry for what I did.” Mike said under his breath.
“Son none of this is your fault. We are adults and no matter what we both love you. Okay?” Tad replied tussling Mike’s hair and leaving the room to try calling Dottie again.
“I don’t know what I did wrong God but I’ll fix this .I won’t lose you Mom and Dad. I won’t.”Mike said starring after Tad.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Valley - Happy New Year? -Part 4

Mike is in the bushes outside where Hillary is staying next door
“Hmm she doesn’t look upset. Damn it didn’t work she better stay away from my Dad or I’ll make her sorry.” Mike says as he watches as T.J ushers Jenny inside outside.
“Gee what happened to Jenny? It looks like she had a black eye. Were those kids tormenting her again? I thought I fixed that when I beat up that girl.” Mike thinks aloud then sneaks in after them to find out what is going on
As T.J and Jenny go in they interrupt Tad and Dottie who are kissing on the sofa. Tad and Dottie look embarrassed as Dottie does up her top two buttons of her shirt
“Well that was good. Mom and Dad were making out. Stupid Jenny you’re interrupting it. We don’t want Hillary to win.” Mike says under his breath
“What are you doing here T.J. not that I don’t want to see you but…”Tad says then seeing Jenny Tad looks shocked and surprised
“Jenny how did you get a black eye?”
“It’s a long story.” T.J. begins
“Tell your mother and I what happened to Jenny. Now please.” Tad implores
“She got beat up at school.” T.J. explains “The school called me because they couldn’t reach either one of you. You didn’t tell me I was the emergency number.”
“Sorry it slipped my mind T.J. but thank goodness you could go help your sister. Are you okay Jenny?” Tad asks then looking closely he grows angry
“Who did this to you?” Tad asks shocked
“Some girls at school.” Jenny answers
“She has a concussion Dad it was really bad don’t let her pretend it was nothing. Apparently this has been escalating over the last few weeks .At first it was just tripping Jenny in the hall then it was taking her school work and pens. Then they tormented her in class right in front of the teacher calling her names. The teacher couldn’t deal with it so she did nothing. Then today they swarmed her. Ten girls some pulled her hair and one of them punched her .When she fell to the ground they kicked her. While all around children clapped and cheered. They got a one day suspension for doing all that so I called the police Dad and took Jenny to the hospital to get checked out.”
“Oh Dios mío Jenny mija.”Dottie states horrified
“You did exactly right son.” Tad says
“They interviewed several students took videos from several students phones of the incident. They interviewed Jenny as well at the hospital. Three of the girls have been charged with assault causing bodily harm. Another one of the girls also had another charge laden against her of attempted murder.” T.J says “They actually laughed they thought it was funny but they won’t find reform school funny.”
“Oh my God she was going to kill Jenny?” Dottie says covering her mouth
“No actually it was the reason for the swarming that Jenny was scared to tell. She recorded the one girl bragging that the reason why the teacher had been off sick the day before was because she had smeared peanut butter on the doorknob of their classroom. That girl knew the teacher had a severe peanut allergy. They were determined that Jenny had to be threatened not to tell and they didn’t even know about the recording.” T.J. explains “The police are going to address the school about violence and bullying but Jenny’s out of there. She’s not safe in that school. You can’t let her go back there.”
“I don’t plan on it.” Tad says “What about Mike though he goes to the same school is he safe?”
“I’m fine Dad honest.” Mike says coming in “I’d let you know if I wasn’t but Jenny isn’t telling any of you the whole story
“You be quiet Michael.” Jenny states urgently
“You have to tell them Jenny. Be brave it won’t matter to them they love you.” Michael insists urgently
“We love Jenny no matter what. Now tell us. Please.” Tad begs
“I……….”Jenny begins
“It’s okay Jenny whatever it is tell us honey.” Dottie implores
“I’m sixteen now but it’s hard you know? You try to fit in but sometimes it doesn’t work so hot.” Jenny states reluctantly
“Yes, to be a teenager is hard but harder still nowadays. Peer pressure comes from everywhere and the cyber bullying is ridiculous.” Dottie states trying to sound knowledgeable
“You have no idea.” Jenny admits “you should see what they posted on my Spacebook and what they texted to and about me.”
“You should show us Jenny we can nail them for that too. Cyber bullying is a crime.” T.J. states
“You don’t understand none of you understand.” Jenny states
“Just tell them Jenny.” Michael implores
“You know that show Glee where they slushy the choir members? “Jenny begins
“Yes.” Both Dottie and Tad reply
“Do you know the character’s names?” asks Jenny
“Yes there is Finn and Quinn, Rachel, Mercedes, Mike, Brittany, Kurt and Santana.” Tad states rattling them off
“Did you see the recent episodes with Santana?” Jenny asks
“No I missed a few.” Tad says as Dottie says the same
“Well Brittany says Santana is Lebanese but Santana thought she was speaking of her orientation” Jenny states
“What has that got to do with you?” Asks Dottie
“She saying she’s a lesbian Dottie.” Tad states
“Yes Daddy I am.” Jenny admits
“You can’t be that is sin against God.” Dottie states “We can find you a camp where they can fix you.”
“Dottie what is wrong with you. She didn’t choose to be this way. She was born this way. You don’t change your sexual orientation.”
“This is forbidden it’s in the bible.” Dottie spouts “The church forbids this. She’s still young enough we can help her change her ways.”
“Did I ever really know you Dottie? This is my daughter. I love her just the way she is I don’t want to change her or try to make her into something she’s not how could you?” Tad says to Dottie angrily
“You are mistaken Thaddeus. You didn’t grow up with in the church no wonder you don’t know that we should protect her from this evil taint.” Dottie states
“Mother do you hear yourself? You need to be educated. You are just as bad as those girls who bullied Jenny. Being gay is not a choice .As for all those misguided souls who quote the bible like yourself, God made us in his own image. So tell me how can anyone who is gay be wrong or mistaken. God is in all things and in everyone of us so how can Jenny’s feelings be wrong.” T.J. states
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” Dottie states
“I knew it I knew you wouldn’t love me anymore. See Mike I wish I wasn’t right. She’s just like all the others. She doesn’t understand this is the way I’ve always felt. Why did you make me tell her?” Jenny asks crying
“Dos mios I love you Jenny. You are my little girl but this….”Dottie says
“But this is something you can’t accept.” Jenny states bitterly crying silently as she goes to her room
“How could you Dottie? That little girl has been to hell and back .I’m not sure I can ever forgive you for this.” Tad says
“You won’t have to I’m leaving. I’ll be back tomorrow for my things.” Dottie states angrily as she throws on her coat grabs her purse and then slams the front door
“Go after her Dad.” T.J. says “Make her understand.”
“I can’t son. She has to realize her behaviour has harmed Jenny. She needs time to think about this.” Tad says
“I don’t think so Dad I think you should go after her.” T.J. states
“I can’t …”Tad states regretfully starring at the front door
Mike is down the hallway starring at Jenny's door.
"Now I did it they are over and it's my fault." he mutters

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fighting back against cancellation of All My Children

Todays numbers and tomorrow keep up the calls (to call via @FireFrons)
Here is who we'll be calling tomorrow Energizer: 1-800-383-7323 General Mills: Phone: 1-800-248-7310 Toys R US: 1-800-869-7787

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Commentary on the cancellation of All my children and OLTL

First of all let me tell you how much I love All My Children. It is not just a Soap to me but an enjoyable hour every day that I can spend talking with others who love my soap as we watch. I know it sounds geeky but watching “All My Children” and communicating with others who loved the same soap opened up the world for me. From a shy introvert I could suddenly communicate better with others.
I have watched many stories over the years. I remember watching Erica with Nick Davis and describing it all to my blind grandmother. I remember watching Nina fall in love with Cliff Warner while Palmer schemed and plotted and set the Dobermans on Cliff and Daisy. I remember watching Jenny and Greg with my young daughter who also loved their romance.
I remember the introduction of Jesse and the friendship with Jenny that he had and the summer they spent in NYC.I remember showing my daughter actors who were on different shows and explaining to her that Jenny was played by an actress and that she wasn’t really dead ahead of time. Eternia and crazy Nikki, Tina and Cord so many memories of wonderful stories on “All My Children” and “One life to live” shared with my daughters. My grandmother and others that will now be all I have left as “All My Children” has been cancelled. For what a few dollars and a talk show no one will watch.
People watch this show and skewing the demographics to only record the viewers who are first of all only 18-34 and then not taking into account all those who watch by internet or recording of some sort is not only foolish but down right silly. Many more young viewers are only watching programs on the internet and to disregard that fact is like throwing the baby out with the bath water. Also Advertisers have to stop focusing on the 18-34 ages. Sorry if I’m offending those ages my daughters fit into but those ages are not well off .They have been left behind in the downturn of the economy and the real money that the advertisers are going after lie in the hands of those 34+.So start listening Advertisers we want our soaps and are prepared to boycott those who advertise for these new talk shows that are replacing “One life to live” and “All My Children.” As to Mr. Frons who thinks that the advertisers pulling out is not a big deal think again without revenue dollars how do you produce a show? So think hard and think is it really worth it to throw away years of goodwill for a network simply because for some reason Mr. Frons doesn’t seem to like Soaps?
As for Disney you are shooting yourself in the pocketbook by cancelling Soaps. Soaps can be lucrative but by hiring writers with non-existent writing skills you really do limit your viewers.
Guess who the loyal viewers were that remained watching the soap that was decimated? That’s right you guessed it long time viewers who you choose not to count because they are over 34.These are the same viewers who bought the Campbell soup and supported the sponsors products because they are loyal to a fault. However these same viewers are tired of being taken for granted tired of being passed over by executives at ABC Disney who think their loyalty is worthless. So these viewers are fighting back with everything they’ve got in them they want their Soaps and they aren’t going to take it anymore.
A side note: Hoover is supporting All my children AND HAS PULLED THEIR ADS. Yahoo Hoover we love you if you are on twitter follow @HooverCleans as a thank-you
From Hoover:
To all the loyal ABC soap fans,

I want you to know from me personally that we hear you loud and clear. My wife and mother are both passionate viewers of All My Children and One Life to Live, as are many of my colleagues here at Hoover. We were and are as disappointed with this news as you are.

In fact, we will discontinue our advertising with ABC this Friday, 4/22. We're making every attempt to pull our spots from these programs sooner.

Because we feel that’s not enough, we also want to help get your voice heard with ABC. So, we’ve set up a special email address, SaveTheSoaps@Hoover.com, to help pull together the mass emotional outpouring of support for our beloved ABC soaps and get it to our contacts at ABC. Please, send your emails to us at SaveTheSoaps@Hoover.com, and we’ll get every, single last one of them to ABC.

We’re 150% committed to doing what matters most to you – so if there’s anything else we can do to help or you have any ideas, please email this address, and we will respond to you personally.

Thank you for standing up for what matters to you! We need more of that in this world.
Brian Kirkendall
Vice President of Marketing

If you want your Soaps “One Life to live and All My Children”
1) Call the sponsors tell them you will not buy their products if they support the new shows. General Mills, Hersey, Target, Excedrin are just a few.
2.) Boycott Disney and ABC refuse to watch or buy and or all of their products.
3.) Write or Call ABC be hear and send bars of soap:
Write in...
"All My Children"
4151 Prospect Ave.
Los Angeles, CA

Or Call...
Phone: 323-671-4588
Comment line: 818-460-7477
The best way to make sure that senior management is informed is through our Audience information Dept. To do that, either go to abc.com, or you can phone (see below). You can share this information with your fellow Soap fans, if you like....

On abc.com, go to the bottom of the home page. Under “Company Information” there is a tab “Contact Us.” Click on that tab, and it will ask for your name, a drop down menu for the show you are writing about, and a section of up to 500 words where you can record your comments.
Send picture of soap
If you would rather call and leave a personal comment, the phone number for Audience Information is 818-460-7477.

Both the “contact us” comments and phone messages are tallied daily and forwarded to all senior management in the company, so they are the best way to register your opinion
4) If you are able to protest April26 (Just a reminder that we are doing a Protest ABC across America on April 26 starting at 10am nationally. You may rally/protest at your local area but encourage to go the NY ABC studios or the LA ABC studios.
5.)Write shareholders who hold most Disney stock or buy Disney stock and complain.
Owning 138 million shares of Disney Steve Jobs is Disney's biggest personal shareholder (7%) and he sits on their board as a result Main phone: 408-996-1010
1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014
Email: steve@apple.com, stevej@apple.com, sjobs@apple.com
6.) Sign the Petition!...http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/save-all-my-children-one-life-to-live/
Make your voices count we don’t want any more reality program and especially not talk shows we don’t need replacing our beloved Soaps

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Valley - Happy New Year? -Part 3

Happy New Year? -Part 3
Krystal’s former townhome next to Tad’s
Hillary answers a knock at the door
“Hillary Taylor? I’m Gina Raffles from child services. We are here to look into allegations against you.
“Allegations against me?” Hillary asks shocked “why would there be allegations against me?”
“Where is the minor child Chloe Taylor?” Gina asks
“Chloe is at the hospital which is where I’m going.” Hillary answers picking up her purse
“Not before you answer my questions Ms. Taylor.” Gina states firmly
“What would you like to know?” Hillary says putting down her purse
“The minor child Chloe is in the hospital because?” Gina prods
“Chloe got a hold of marbles somewhere and ingested them one of them got in her lung. If it wasn’t for Tad rushing her to hospital and Dr. Jake Martin doing surgery to remove them…..”
“Tad, which would be Thaddeus Martin the owner of this abode?” Gina demands to know
“Yes.” Hilary answers with a puzzled look on her face
“Do you pay rent to Mr. Martin?” asks Gina
“No I have no means of support but I’m going back to school in the fall.” Hillary states
“So how do you provide food and clothing for Chloe?” Gina asks
“I’m trying to get access to my money that my soon to be ex -husband took.” Hillary states biting her lip
“Is it true that you were responsible for force feeding Chloe the marbles that harmed her? Isn’t it true that you deliberately harmed your child Chloe Taylor?” Demands Gina
“What? I would never ever harm my child. How dare you?” Hillary says raising her voice
“You have no means of support and with these allegations we may have no other choice but to take the child into social services custody.” Gina states
“You can’t do that” Jenny says coming in her head down .It was my fault Chloe swallowed the marbles.I forgot I had them in my room.”
“And you are?” asks Gina
“Jenny Martin, Tad’s my father.” Jenny states still holding her head down and T.J. who had come in behind her says
“And she does have reason to accept my Dad’s money for now. My Dad, Tad Martin has been helping her out for me .You see Hillary is my fiancée.”
Hillary is behind Gina’s back and mouths thank-you
“I see and you are?” Gina asks
“Thaddeus Thornton-Martin Junior.” T.J. says with a smile reminiscent of his father
“I see. And you take full blame for this incident Ms. Martin?” Gina states
“Yes.” Jenny says putting her head up
“Oh my, that’s quite a shiner you have there who did that to you?” Gina asks looking pointedly at Hillary as if she’s now doubt everything that was said.
“I just picked my sister up and took her to the hospital. She was injured at school as she was swarmed by a bunch of other girls.” T.J. says sadly
“Oh my God Jenny. Are you okay honey?” Hillary asks stunned
“Yes.” Jenny says as if she doesn’t want to talk about it
“She wanted to see how Chloe was.” T.J. says “But the doctor’s says she has a concussion.so I insisted she come home.”
“Unbelievable what happened to those girls?” Hillary asks
“The school was trying to blame Jenny.They offered to educate about bullying in the classroom but the culprits were only going to get a one day suspension” T.J. says
“Sadly that happens a lot .People still seem to subscribe to that ridiculous old adage that bully is a part of childhood. It’s not!” Gina comments
"I think this concludes my investigation. There may be follow up visits in the future to verify that what you have told me is the truth but I can conclude that the caller must have been mistaken.” Gina says leaving
“Who could have done such a thing?” Hillary asks
“I don’t know.” T.J states
“Tell me more about what happened Jenny?” Hillary begs
Jenny is reluctant to talk so T.J begins to fill her in.
“Apparently this has been escalating over the last few weeks .At first it was just tripping Jenny in the hall then it was taking her school work and pens. Then they tormented her in class right in front of the teacher calling her names. The teacher couldn’t deal with it so she did nothing. Then today they swarmed her. Ten girls some pulled her hair and one of them punched her .When she fell to the ground they kicked her. While all around children clapped and cheered.”
“And one day suspension for doing all that? It’s criminal. And what about the other children?” Hillary states
“I called the police. They interviewed several students took videos from several students phones of the incident. They interviewed Jenny as well. Three of the girls have been charged with assault causing bodily harm. Another one of the girls also had another charge laden against her of attempted murder.” T.J says
“Oh my God she was going to kill Jenny?” Hillary says covering her mouth
“No actually it was the reason for the swarming that Jenny was scared to tell. She recorded the one girl bragging that the reason why the teacher had been off sick the day before was because she had smeared peanut butter on the doorknob of their classroom knowing the teacher had a severe peanut allergy. They were determined that Jenny had to be threatened not to tell and they didn’t even know about the recording.” T.J. explains “The police are going to address the school about violence and bullying but Jenny’s out of there. She’s not safe in that school.
“Why did you have to get her? Where’s Tad and Dottie?” Hillary asks
“Dottie is with her mother and Tad was answering his phone.” T.J. states
“I’m so grateful for you stepping in and saying you were my fiancée.” Hillary states “I thought she was going to seize Chloe right then and there. Will your girlfriend be mad?”
“We split up.” T.J. states
“I’m sorry T.J.” Hillary says
“I’ll live .She’s moved on .She moved to Cincinnati and is dating my former colleague that is an anchor there.” T.J. says
“I’m sorry T.J. that happened.” Jenny say “She’s a really nasty woman to do that to you.” Jenny states
“Thanks kiddo. Now let’s take you home to get you to bed. You heard the doctor’s you need bed rest.” T.J. states
“Thank again Jenny and T.J.” Hillary says as they go next door and she goes to the hospital
“Hmm she doesn’t look upset .Damn it didn’t work she better stay away from my Dad or I’ll make her sorry.” Mike says as he watches from the bushes outside
As T.J and Jenny go in they interrupt Tad and Dottie who are kissing on the sofa. Tad and Dottie look embarrassed as Dottie does up her top two buttons of her shirt
“What are you doing here T.J. not that I don’t want to see you but…”Tad says then seeing Jenny he looks shocked and surprised
“Jenny how did you get a black eye?”
“It’s a long story.” T.J. begins

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Valley-Happy New Year?-Part 2

Happy New Year?-Part 2
Tad takes Hillary home they go in through her door. Tad hands her drink to help her sleep and Hillary reaches for Tad throwing herself in his arms. Hillary starts kissing Tad .Tad forgets himself and continues kissing Hillary .They both tear off their clothes and fall on the bed. Under the covers there’s more kissing and rolling about. Hillary falls asleep quickly but Tad wonders aloud
“How could I have done this to Dottie? What is wrong with me that I screw up every relationship?”
Tad puts on his clothes and writes a note
Dear Hillary
This was a mistake. I love Dottie .She’s my wife. This can never happen again.
Tad leaves and goes home next door but Mike has come home and sees Tad come in wiping lipstick off his lips. Mike thinks aloud as Tad goes into his bedroom.
“How could you Dad? Mom is the best thing that ever happened to us.”
Tad spots Mike and says “Hello sport sorry I was at the hospital. Chloe swallowed marbles you wouldn’t know where she got them would you?”
“No Dad I really don’t know. Mike says stumbling over the words starring at the lipstick beside Tad’s mouth
Mike then says to himself but we hear “Good Hillary must have kissed Dad in gratefulness all is well.”
“Is she okay? “Asks Mike wanting to believe Tad was at the hospital then he notices Tad’s shirt is buttoned crookedly
“I’m going to take a shower see you for breakfast and a half an hour.
Tad enters his bathroom and showers trying to wash off his guilt.
Mike is troubled he listens to heavy metal music and pictures:
“How could you Tad Martin? After everything I’ve done for this family. I’m leaving and I’m not coming back.” Dottie says to Tad
“Dottie please it was a one time mistake.” Tad says as Dottie slaps him
Tad is moping and says to Mike
“Now that Dottie’s gone I can’t keep you .you’ll have to go to foster care sorry.”
Back to reality Mike is on his bed scared and wondering what will happen
“Mom can never find out what Dad did. I have to do something to make that awful woman Hillary go away but what?” Mike thinks aloud
“Child abuse I could say she deliberately gave Chloe marbles that could have killed her then she’ll go to jail.”
Dottie is helping her mother pack but all is almost packed as Edna had hired packers all ready,
“I don’t think you should have left Tad with the she-devil Hillary. You ought to remember how she took your husband before Dottie.” Edna says
“Tad has changed his not Tad the cad anymore. He loves me Mama he loves me not miss fancy pants Hillary.” Dottie says
“Well even if you can trust Tad you can’t trust that woman she’ll throw herself at Tad the first chance she gets and he’s a red blood male and you can’t expect them to turn down free dessert.” Edna states
“Mama she’s not his wife I am .I’m the mother of his child not her. He loves me we have a good life.” Dottie says
“Yes well if it all blows up because of that woman don’t let her win you stand by your man hell or high water.” Edna says “Cause you’ve got what you always wanted baby and I want you to stay happy.”
“I will Mama as long as Tad loves me.” Dottie says
“Now don’t you go falling in that trap again Dorothea .You can live without Tad Martin but if you really want him and you’re sure he loves you then you stay happy.” Edna says
“Thanks Mama are you and my new stepdad Alexander good?” Dottie asks
“As good as will ever be .Men and their secrets .Alexander sure has a lot but then he used to be in the secret service. Oops I wasn’t supposed to talk about that forget you heard that.” Edna says mysteriously
“Secret service I thought they guarded the president?’ Dottie states
“Oh maybe it was another of those secret people the FBI or one of those other ones that spy for their country.” Edna says
“Mama are you in danger?” Asks Dottie worried
“No not at all he’s retired only has to do jobs for the government now and again.” Edna states proudly
“This sounds fishy Mama what do you really know about Alexander?” Dottie asks “Everything I need to dear. Now forget I said anything. Let’s just go to Breakfast at Piece de Resistance. I booked us a table.”
“Okay Mama but if Alexander starts acting weird or you are in trouble you come to me and Tad we will help you.” Dottie states “I’m going to get Tad to look into his background so don’t you tell Alexander that.
“I’m supposed to take care of you honey not the other way around.” Edna says sounding relieved
“Don’t you think it’s time Mama you’ve always been there for me it’s time I was there for you.” Dottie says
Flash to Mike who has snuck out to a phone booth one of the few left.
“Hello social services. I would like to report a Hillary….”

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Valley-Happy New Year?-Part 1

Happy New Year?
Krystal’s old home next door to Tad’s and Dottie’s
Tad stared at Hillary’s sleeping form
“What have I done?” he thought aloud sitting up in the bed beside Hillary
Hillary burrows into the bed deep in sleep a smile across her face as she dreams.
Tad flashes back to the night before
Dottie is packing saying to him
“Are you sure you and the children will be all right while I go to help Mom pack to move to Happy Valley? Alexander is really a hands on guy at the television station .I hope T.J is too upset about that .He tried to hide it at Christmas but I could tell he didn’t like the fact that Alexander has bought the station.”
“It’s the unknown factor Dottie. We don’t really know Alexander too well what if he’s not what he appears?” Tad says
“What do you mean by that Tad Martin you’re talking about my new stepfather the man my mother adores.” Dottie says
“Just this how much does your mother know about him? They met on a cruise three weeks ago and now they are married.” Tad says
“So I knew the minute I met you that you were the man for me, querida mía.” Dottie replies
“Darling mine my love, querida mia, mi amor.” Tad waxes
“Don’t try to sweet talk me Tad Martin.” Dottie says waving a finger at him jokingly as Tad sweeps her up in his arms and kisses her
Jenny comes in at that moment and says
“Ooh yuck can’t you two keep that to yourselves?”
“I believe this is our bedroom young lady and I didn’t hear any knocking.” Tad says pointedly kissing Dottie once more “was there something you needed wanted Jenny?”
“Sorry I should have knocked.” Jenny says contritely
Tad smiles knowingly and communicates silently with Dottie who nods
“Okay something big is up your apologizing so quickly. What is it you need or want Jenny?” Dottie asks
“Can I stay at the Chandler mansion tonight with Mom after the dance tonight? Kathy is at their apartment tonight spending time with her two Aaron’s and Mike is at George’s tonight.” Jenny spits out
“What did Adam and your mother say?” Asks Dottie
“Mom said it was fine as long as it was okay with you and Dad. Can I please Dad and Dottie?” Jenny pleads
“I guess.” says Tad as Dottie says
“How are you getting home from the school dance?”
“J.r. said he’d pick us up and the school is not far from J.r.’s.” Jenny pleads again
“Okay then but make sure you come home early enough tomorrow morning. You promised me you’d help your Dad with the laundry. You know he forgets to check if things are a hundred percent cotton and puts them in the dryer and shrinks them and don’t forget the time your Dad put whites in with the reds.” Dottie says
“Gee a guy does that once and you hold it over his head forever.” Tad says feigning being annoyed
“I have to go now enjoy your evening alone Tad and I’ll see you the day after tomorrow.”dottie says closing her suitcase and kissing Tad goodbye.
“Be good Jenny I’ll see you in a couple of days and maybe I’ll even bring you a surprise maybe something from Nordstroms?”Dottie states
“Thanks Dottie you’re the best stepmom ever.” Jenny says
Dottie leaves and Jenny gets ready for her dance leaving Tad alone. Tad is sitting in his man cave drinking a beer and playing a video game when Hillary comes in looking panicked carrying a limp Chloe
“What is wrong?” Tad asks setting down his just opened beer and the game controller
“There is something wrong with Chloe you have to help me.” Hillary says “She’s not breathing.”
“Did she swallow something? Could she have gotten into poison?” Tad demands checking Chloe’s mouth for anything she could have swallowed and takes a marble out of her mouth .He dislodges another form her throat and Chloe starts gasping for air breathing more normally
“You saved her Tad .Oh thank god she’s okay.” Hillary states
“I think we should take her to the hospital she could have swallowed more.” Tad says listening to her breathing
“More? You think she swallowed more? We better get her there quickly.” Hillary says as Tad grabs his keys
As they arrive at Happy Valley Hospital Hillary is crying loudly as Tad frowns at her
“You are going to scare Chloe. Get a hold of yourself Hills.” Tad says
“Sorry your right Tad.” Hillary says as Jake and a nurse take Chloe in to a cubicle Tad explains
“I took two marbles out of her mouth one was stuck in her throat .I’m just worried she may have some in her lungs.” Tad says
“Will do some x-rays and find out Hillary if Chloe swallowed them but if she has some in her lungs we may have to operate to remove them.” Jake says
As Hillary waits to find out she sits next to Tad throwing herself in his arms crying. Tad comforts her awkwardly.
“We are going to have to operate and remove the marbles from her Chloe’s lungs she has five lodged there.” Jake says
“Where could she have gotten marbles?” asks Hillary
“Oh no Mike has some do you think she got into them?” Asks Tad sounding guilty
“Maybe .Is she going to be all right Jake?” Asks Hillary
“Lung surgery is serious but I’m good at this and we’ll get Chloe through this.” Jake says Getting Hillary to sign papers and then telling the nurse to prep Chloe.
An hour later Jake comes out and says \
“Everything is fine and Chloe is resting comfortable .Would you like to see her?”
Hillary nods and goes into Chloe’s room she smoothes back a hair out of a sleeping Chloe’s eyes.
She’ll sleep for the night you should go home get some sleep and come back early tomorrow morning.” Jake says
“Are you sure?” asks Hillary
“Yes now Tad take mom home and bring her back tomorrow morning will you?” Asks Jake
“Sure will do Jake and thanks for Saving Chloe.” Tad states
“Thank-you Jake for saving my baby.” Hillary says
“It’s my job.” Jake says modestly
Tad takes Hillary home they go in through her door. Tad hands her drink to help her sleep and Hillary reaches for Tad throwing herself in his arms. Hillary starts kissing Tad .Tad forgets himself and continues kissing Hillary .They both tear off their clothes and fall on the bed. Under the covers there’s more kissing and rolling about. Hillary falls asleep quickly but Tad wonders aloud
“How could I have done this to Dottie? What is wrong with me that I screw up every relationship?”
Tad puts on his clothes and writes a note
Dear Hillary
This was a mistake. I love Dottie .she’s my wife. This can never happen again.
Tad leaves and goes home next door but Mike has come home and sees Tad come in wiping lipstick off his lips. Mike thinks aloud as Tad goes into his bedroom.
“How could you Dad? Mom is the best thing that ever happened to us.”